Below are authentic testimonials submitted by actual Brand College Consulting Clients.

Beth Kessler
Friendswood parent, Class of 2014

Tyler Najarian
Clear Lake student- Class of 2013, current student at University of Arkansas

Note: Janel's daughter chose Trinity University in San Antonio due to multiple scholarships and strong academic programs.
Janel Yarberry
Friendswood parent, class of 2013

Note: Steven was awarded a FULL scholarship to a large national university! Congratulations Steven!
Steven Pitts
Friendswood High School student, class of 2014

Note: Balark is a current Engineering student at University of Texas.
Balark Chethan
Katy high school student, class of 2014

Note: Madison chose Texas Tech University and is currently enjoying Lubbock, Texas.
Madison Romine
Friendswood High School student, class of 2014

Carlos Beven
Friendswood High School student, class of 2013

Janet Civitelli
Career Counselor/Vocational Psychologist

Steven Gammill
Texas teacher

Nick Treybig
Friendswood High School student, class of 2013