Many high school students use their summer break from high school to participate in activities that may boost their resumes or applications for college. Some of these activities include summer camp programs on college campuses and community service that may all be canceled now.
First, students should consider their own interests and passions. Do you sew? Then start an Etsy store. If you’re interested in computers, teach yourself how to program. Do you write? Then practice your creative writing and submit your work to journals that publish high school students or start a blog.
Here are some other ideas that students can do if they have free time:
Brush up on the foreign language you’re taking in school or learn a new language
- Language Bird offers accredited courses online
- Duolingo is an app that you can use on your own self-paced time

Online prep for SAT/ACT summer tests
- Method Test Prep offers classes that “meet” virtually
- Magoosh prep offer subscriptions for 1, 3 or 6 months that students can work on at their own pace (set a goal of hours each month)
Virtual college tours/videos
Trying to decide on a college major?
- Take an online career quiz or assessment and research that college major
- Use the Bureau of Labor Statistics website to learn more about that field
- Ask to Zoom or Skype with a professional in a field you want to major in
Take an online class
- Coursera offers online classes or you can complete several courses to earn a certificate
- EdX has free online courses from many major universities