The question I hear all the time is: Does my child need to take these SAT Subject Tests?
When should my child take the SAT Subject Tests?
Which of the SAT Subject Tests should my student take?
You can see from the list of Subject Tests that 12 of the 20 available are Language Tests. Students should only take these tests if they are fluent in that language. For the majority of students that leaves the remainder of tests to choose from:
- Literature
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- U.S. History
- World History
- Math Level 1
- Math Level 2
Students should always check the colleges’ requirements about which tests to take. Because most colleges just request a 1 or 2 of the Subject Tests, but don’t specify which ones, many students get to chose from the list of all available Subject Tests.
What are the average SAT Subject Test Scores?
SAT Subject Test scores tend to be HIGHER than SAT average scores.
Most of these scores are achieved with only getting 50-60% of the questions correct in each section, so students should prepare by taking a couple practice tests while timing themselves and checking their scores on the answer sheets.
Source: Test Characteristics of SAT Subject Tests by College Board