In 1997, the Texas Legislature passed House Bill 588 – also known as the Texas Top Ten Percent Law – guaranteeing automatic admission to all state-funded universities for Texas students in the top ten percent of their public high school class. This law was later amended to allow universities to cap their admissions to the Top Ten Percent students as 75% of their freshmen 'seats'. This has allowed University of Texas Austin campus to restrict … [Read more...]
UT Austin Changes Admissions Requirements
UT Austin announced changes to its admissions process and requirements for students in the class of 2019. These students can begin applying August 1, 2018 using the ApplyTexas application. Essay Requirements All freshman applicants will be required to submit one essay -- Topic A -- in ApplyTexas. Other long-form essays in ApplyTexas (B, C, D, S, etc.) will no longer be needed for freshman applicants to UT (but may be required for other Texas … [Read more...]
Want to Study Abroad in College?
Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Here is a list of the top 10 reasons to study abroad! See the World The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world. By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new country … [Read more...]
College Acceptances for Clients- Class of 2017
Yay! All of our college admissions decisions are in and all of our clients have selected their college for next school year. We assisted 27 current seniors, class of 2017, through the college admissions process, including 4 who were pro bono clients, mostly teenage moms. They received a total of 96 college acceptances, for a group of 23 students, that's an average of 4.2 each. Clients ranged from two college applications to 12! Some great … [Read more...]
How soon should we begin working with Brand College Consulting?
The earlier in the process, the better! The best, most helpful college planning starts before or during freshman or sophomore year of high school. This allows time to flesh out the student's ideal academic program, delineate interests and lay the foundation for a progression of directed summer and extracurricular activities. Many of the interesting and most helpful courses and electives have prerequisites that need to be taken by freshmen and … [Read more...]
Featured Testimonial
We love to hear from happy clients and students! Want to read them all? Click here for more. Client Review of the Month Jolyn and her team of tutors are awesome! With ACT tutoring, our daughter was able to raise her overall score and raise her English score 9 points. Jolyn is always so helpful and informative and replies promptly to any question I may have. In addition to the personalized tutoring, Jolyn's essay writing class was beneficial … [Read more...]
9 Texas Colleges on the “Shame List”
Campus Pride is a nonprofit dedicated to creating safe learning environments for LGBQT students nationwide, which has jut released a “Shame List” of colleges and universities it calls the “absolute worst for LGBQT youth.” Nine Texas colleges, all with religious ties, were among the 102 schools on the list. Arlington Baptist College Criswell College in Dallas University of Dallas (Irving) East Texas Baptist University (Marshall) … [Read more...]
When Are Admission Decisions Released?
Here's When Colleges Are Releasing Regular Admissions Decisions for the Class of 2016 It’s March and there’s finally a light at the end of the admissions tunnel for anxious high school seniors – colleges will soon start releasing their regular admissions decisions! Here are regular application decision notification dates for current seniors, class of 2016, or soon to be- the Class of 2020. Expect these dates to change as we draw closer to … [Read more...]
Guns on Texas College Campuses
Texas Campus Carry- Guns on College and Universities Campuses in Texas 2016 Update March 2016- Dallas News Publishes Campus Carry Tracker, which provides an interactive that shows where on each camps that guns are allowed. Update February 2016- UT Releases Gun Policy and UH Faculty Hold Safety Seminar and told to alter curriculum and limit access to students to avoid being shot. Senate Bill 11, passed in 2015, allows for the possession … [Read more...]
How High School Courses Impact SAT Scores
Every year, high school juniors and seniors take the SAT. More than 1 million students annually across the nation participate and many take it more than once. Many students have been preparing for months after realizing how important high SAT scores are in college admissions and scholarship awards. Others don’t prepare or study much, many believing that it’s an ‘intelligence test’ and can’t be studied for, or that they want to just see how well … [Read more...]