When you apply to college, admission officers look at more than just your grades — they also take note of what you have done outside the classroom. Your extracurricular activities, such as jobs, sports, clubs and volunteer work, give colleges a better sense of who you are and show them what you can bring to their campus community. Remember that college folder you were supposed to be collecting throughout high school? The one stuffed with … [Read more...]
10 Things to See and Do on a College Tour
Students and parents should plan college tours starting in 9th grade. That should give high school students enough time during freshmen, sophomore and junior years to visit several different college campuses, take the official college tour, and narrow down their preferences and final college list before senior year. Most colleges offer daily walking campus tours during the week and some also offer these on weekends. You can search "visit" plus … [Read more...]
5 Things to Do the Summer Before Going Off To College
Congratulations! You've just graduated from high school and have been accepted to a university (or several!) You've worked hard and should enjoy your last summer at home before going off to college. You may feel like being "lazy" before classes and your busy freshmen year begins; by all means, relax, but there are several things that you should concentrate on over the summer, while you still have time! 1. Get organized. If you don't already … [Read more...]
Parent Quiz: Are You Financially Prepared for College?
Students are going back to school and parents are again thinking about the future. Between AP classes, sports, extracurricular activities, and community service kids, these days are very busy. Parents are also worried about how to pay for all of those things plus the upcoming college costs. Are you preparing your family correctly? Take this quiz to see! 1. Have you set up a 529 or college savings plan? 2. Have you calculated the future college … [Read more...]
Rising “Hidden Costs” for College
More and more Americans are going to college. According to data from the Department of Education National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in 1980, 50% of high school graduates between the ages of 16 and 24 were enrolled in college; in 2016, it was 70%. In 2016, 19.3 million undergraduate students were enrolled in higher education institutions. 70% were enrolled at public schools, 23% at private non-profits schools and 7% at private … [Read more...]
Expanded Student Resume for University of Texas
An expanded, detailed student resume is strongly recommended for student applying to the University of Texas. It is also required for application to the UT Honors Program. College student résumés are not professional one- or two-page résumés that applicants typically submit for jobs. College résumés are different. For UT, and for most universities that allow for a paper résumé, the résumé can be as long as the applicant chooses. The … [Read more...]
High School Seniors College Checklist for Spring
The last two years have been spent getting students ready for college admissions. Applications, essays, financial aid documents all done. Your child got college acceptance letters and after careful evaluation, finally picked the college he or she will be attending! Yay! But wait, the work is not done yet, here is our college checklist for seniors: The college application process is a long and arduous one. Once the final acceptance … [Read more...]
Conversations for Families with College Kids
For most families with a kid away at college, Thanksgiving is the first time they will return home. This can be a great time to relax, see family and friends, and a great opportunity to have some important conversations. After letting your college kid catch up on sleep and get in touch with old friends, here are some topics to bring up before the whole family arrives for Thanksgiving dinner: 1. Academics By this time into the semester, students … [Read more...]
College Acceptances for Class of 2018
Yay! All of our college admissions decisions are in and all of our clients have selected their college for next school year. We assisted 24 current seniors, class of 2018, through the college admissions process. They received a total of 112 college acceptances. Some great stand-outs at out of state universities include: Two admits to Case Western University One accepted at Georgia Tech, Johns Hopkins, and NYU Two students accepted to … [Read more...]
Want to Study Abroad in College?
Studying abroad may be one of the most beneficial experiences for a college student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and culture of a new land. Here is a list of the top 10 reasons to study abroad! See the World The biggest reason you should consider a study abroad program is the opportunity to see the world. By studying abroad, you will experience a brand-new country … [Read more...]