According to the 2015 Center for World University Rankings report, several Texas universities the made of Best Colleges in the World The University of Texas at Austin was the 30th best university in the world, according to the report. It topped the list of Texas schools that made the cut but moved down one spot from last year. #30- University of Texas- Austin #102- Texas A&M University #120- Rice University #121- Baylor University #139 … [Read more...]
Quiz: Is Your Teen Ready for College?
Part of the “American Dream” is to send children off to college after high school. We envision them living in dorms, enjoying the true ‘college experience’, learning and growing into adults. The reality is that some children aren’t ready for that independence. Many college students return home after a semester or two of college, usually because of failing grades, lack of friends, or simply too much partying. So how do parents know if their … [Read more...]
Are You Managing or Controlling Your Child’s College Plans?
“Hanging back and allowing children to make mistakes is one of the greatest challenges of parenting.” This is perhaps one of the best points made in a recent New York Times article, Raising Successful Children, and couldn’t be more poignant than during your child’s senior year. In today’s college admissions, everything is competitive and overwhelming. This makes it easier for parents to want to step in, help, and guide their child through the … [Read more...]
Can My College Acceptance Be Revoked?
Can colleges revoke admissions offers? What behaviors can cause this, and how can students protect themselves? It’s the time of year again. No, not tax time. I’m referring to senoritis. The time of year when senior year high school students start getting acceptance letters to college and then, promptly, start slacking off in school. It’s tempting, I know. They already got into college, why bother with maintaining grades or doing homework? One … [Read more...]
The Most Expensive College Dorms
eCollegeFinder is back with another map series, this time looking at which colleges charge the most for on-campus room and board in each state. We all know how expensive college is these days. From massive tuition fees to costly text books, it really burns a hole in the pocket. Aside from tuition, room and board is usually one of the top expenses for each student. This got us thinking, which colleges charge the most for on-campus living? Is it … [Read more...]
New College Ranking Lists Published by Money Magazine
For the longest time, U.S. News & World Report was considered THE college rankings system. Every Fall, a "new" list would be released, which would almost always put Harvard was the best college in America. Every once in a while, it would tie with Princeton. Those rankings were based on many factors, including SAT scores, acceptance rates, and graduation rates. But it did not include many other factors that are becoming increasingly important … [Read more...]
How Brand College Consulting can help you save time and money
Why Do You Need an Independent College Consultant? 1. “A house may be the most expensive thing most families buy, but college--which is second most expensive--is far more important in the long run. College decisions are actually more crucial because they affect the teenager’s future” College consultants are specialists in helping you make this important investment and decisions. 2. The college application and admissions process is very … [Read more...]
Upcoming College Tours with Students
We all understand that high school students should visit college campuses before deciding whether or not to apply to that particular college. Since it is going to be their home for the next four years (or longer), they should feel comfortable there, it should offer an educational program that interests them, and it should be in an area or city that offer activities that they enjoy. This is hard to tell from pictures on a college website or … [Read more...]
For High School Counselors and Teachers
Is your teenager’s high school counselor an expert on college? Probably not. In fact, the odds are high that your high school counselor’s knowledge about college admission strategies, standardized testing and scholarships, and financial aid is limited. Ironically, during this period of increasing college costs, financial aid is often the subject that high school counselors know the least about. Many high school counselors are unfortunately … [Read more...]
Money Management Tips for College Students
Guest Blog Article Written by: Kristen Mcmahon College is about the time you discover that managing your own finances involves a lot more than just watching your spending. As current college students, you have to learn to prioritize, especially if you don't live in a dorm, this is likely the first time you have to pay your own utilities, rent, groceries and any unexpected costs. Learn how to plan for your future with these good money … [Read more...]