If your high school uses Naviance, you can connect your account to your Common App account. First, make sure you've added your high school to the Education Section under the Common App tab. Next, under the Colleges tab, select one college and click the "Recommenders and FERPA" section. Here's a useful video: … [Read more...]
3 Things to Know About the 2016-17 Common Application
The 2016-17 Common Application opened on August 1. For those of you eager to get started, here are three key pieces of information to help you begin. And for those of you who aren’t quite ready to give up on summer, don’t worry. These tips will be just as useful in September. Your Account- If you previously created an account, it should rollover. Log in with your email address and password (be sure to write it down!), answer a few … [Read more...]
Updates for the Common App
Good news from the Common App! Update #1-The system is no longer purging accounts. They used to only allow seniors to create an account after August 1st and then delete those accounts every summer. But NOW, junior students can create an account after Jan 1st, a full year before many college deadlines. NO, you shouldn't submit anything for the first six months, but it will let you poke around, add colleges of interest, see essay and writing … [Read more...]
Common App Essay Requirements
Update January 28, 2016- The Common Application has announced that the 2016-2017 personal statement essay prompts will be the same as the 2015-2016 prompts. Juniors should write essays the summer after junior year. The Common Application went live on August 1st so many rising seniors started filling in their apps. As soon as they added a college, most were able to see additional writing requirements and supplements. These are in addition … [Read more...]