Many times students find themselves currently enrolled in college, but needing professional advice or guidance. Students who have graduated from high school may benefit from our college consulting services as well. These services are available for current college students, students who would like assistance to graduate school (including med school or law school) or adults who want information to go back to college.
Services available for Current College Students
- Preparation for the transition from high school to college, including selecting student housing, meal plans, and courses at selected college
- Creation of 4 year degree plan, including major, minor, AP credits and community college transfer credits
- Recommendations for campus activities (student clubs, organization, community service, etc) to join
- Creation of a transfer plan for students who would like to attend a different college
- Recommendations for academic support services such as Writing Centers, resource centers or private tutors
- Assistance coordinating courses that can be taken over summer or winter break at local community colleges and transfer back to home college campus
- Searches for scholarships, including assistance with scholarship essays and applications
- Guidance over possible college major or minor selection or changes
Services available for Students Considering Grad School
- Complete a thorough evaluation of student’s transcript and resume to determine admissibility into graduate programs
- Development of a list of colleges for each individual student, including “reach” colleges and “safety” schools
- Development of timeline for all deadlines for selected colleges and assistance meeting all deadlines
- College essay assistance: brainstorming about essay topics and professional editing
- Test prep advice for GRE, GMAT or LSAT
- Assistance in meeting all deadlines, including required documents after college application submission- letters of recommendation, student resume, test scores, etc

Hourly Consultation– $250/hour
Instead of package consulting, this option allows you to work on whatever pieces of the college services you or your student desires. After the free initial consultation, hours needed will be estimated and agreed upon before work is started.
Questions or concerns that can be answered with a quick email or phone call are always free for former clients! Issues that need more time can be purchased at the hourly rate. These services can be purchased in 4 hour blocks of consulting time ($1,000). This is a wise investment considering the cost of even one class at a university can cost thousands. Losing credits when transferring college can also cost students time and money, not to mention hurt their GPAs.
Contact me to set up your FREE one hour consultation to discuss your specific situation and needs.